Clearent Launch

The Problem

We traditionally had a problem with product adoption in our ISO reseller channels. We would offer webinars, training materials, and one-on-ones, but we always had a difficult time with product intros or transitions into new technology.

The Solution

Get the full suite of Mastercard marketing properties under this umbrella of regulations, both in Europe by the GDPR deadline, and worldwide because those regulations are quickly becoming the norm


  • We talked to vendors, but the costs were really high. In research, we found that the software used to produce these streams was basically free. You just needed the camera and design assets, both of which we ran in-house.
  • We streamed to YouTube Live and our Facebook channel, and was able to track activity live.
  • We built out an invite system using our CMS, which allowed for both invite tracking and rough attendance.
  • Went with a panel discussion, with input from both the development and business / sales side, all hosted by our CEO

The Results

  • Around 180 attendees, as opposed to our 40-60 to webinars.
  • Turned what would have been a $10,000 investment into a $500 production.
  • Around 95% adoption of new platform in three months using new release structure.