Digital Project Management

One Brand Online. Hundreds of Touchpoints.

It can be difficult to keep your head above water

Order is something that is hard to keep when running a small business or a startup. There are constantly different hands on different projects, and it can get really confusing to know who’s in charge of what. Not to mention organization, keeping files in check, and not having to redo work because something got deleted. I have managed builds and projects spread across many contractors, and with thousands of assets in play, where communication and organization is required. I know the tools to keep a project running smoothly and with little loss. 

Modern websites have become more streamlined because attention and screen-sizes have shrunk while making a purchase has become a two-tap affair. I can show you how your site content needs to reflect both what you want to accomplish out of your digital presence, and the needs of the customers who go there.

Buying media online, whether it’s Google ads, Facebook promoted posts, or even old-school banner placement, is loaded with enough metrics to make your head spin! I can help you cut through the superfluous fluff, and focus on the key metrics that your company needs to pay attention to.

You can be a social media darling with a ton of followers and people freaking out about your product. If your website makes it difficult to order your product, or to find where they can purchase, you’re losing sales. I can do a full digital brand analysis, figure out the holes your customers are falling through, and how to plug them.