Small Business Consultation

You may be small, but your reach can be large.

Grow your business, and make the internet work for you.

Some businesses start on a wing and a prayer. I’m the guy who installs the jet packs to get you off the ground faster. I’m proficient to fitting the right technology to fit your venture, but at the same time not overloading you with unnecessary tech to to confuse, or worse, cost you money. I keep it lean, but expandable for the future.

I’m also a great resource to vette contractors and make sure they understand the scope of your project. Some developers want to keep it lean, but make impossible to update your site without their help and their workrate coming into play. Others want to give you every tool possible, but leave it up to you to plug everything together. I’ll make sure everyone is on the same page for a successful build.

When running a small business, time is everything. When you have to manage finances, haggle leases, cut checks to employees, and get a product out to the masses, marketing is usually one of the first things that can fall by the wayside. I’ll show you how to get the most out of the time you set aside to expand marketing efforts and gain business, while making sure everyone is paid on time.

Prices for online marketing software are intimidating if you’re just trying to get a business off the ground. I specialize in getting the most out of the free tools available and can show you how sales can add up when you have a 100% return on investment.

Businesses thrive off of their core audience; the people who always come back for more and bring their friends with them. I will help identify this audience, and come up with creative ways to reward them and to add to their numbers. In the long run, they’ll just bring the business to you!